RRR™ Body

SLF is on a mission to restore your body to its greatest state. Our signature RRR™ Body massage combines ancient techniques with modern science. This unique massage focuses on neuro-lympho-vascular bundles in the body- clustered community gathering points where pain hides, affecting the body as a whole. This massage acknowledges the body's natural cavity pressures in its release sequence, which allows lymphatic fluid to be properly drained. This treatment encourages the release of toxins from the body to promote detox. Through this process we address and release referred pain first, followed by localized pain.

Our Signature
Body Treatment

The Radical Radiance Regime™ Body massage is an invigorating massage that uses a range of pressures to loosen muscle tension, release trigger points, and break down adhesions between the muscle and fascia to revive myofascial tissue. This unique massage prioritizes the face & neck, ears, arms, abdomen, navel, groin, glutes, knees, feet and back with an optional pectoral release.

Breathing techniques are used while bringing circulation to the vagus (neck & abdomen), trigeminal (face), cervical (neck), musculocutaneous (biceps), and axillary (underarm) nerve regions. Overall this sequence of techniques improves blood flow, activates lymphatic flow, increases mobility, alleviates pain, and improves the digestive & immune systems.

Restore the body & mind by releasing stress and pain with our signature RRR™ body massage.


  • What area does it treat?

    This unique massage prioritizes the face & neck, ears, arms, abdomen, navel, groin, glutes, knees, feet and back with an optional pectoral release.

  • How quickly will I see results?

    You will feel results immediately with our signature body treatment. Optimal results will be maintained with on-going treatments.

  • Will it hurt?

    The RRR™ Body is naturally a deep tissue massage but can be adjusted as necessary to each individual client.

  • Is there any downtime?

    There is no downtime with this treatment.

  • Is this treatment right for me?

    Yes, this treatment is right for everyone. Everyone’s body holds stress and pain in areas we arent always aware of.

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  • Massage
  • Buccal (Intra-Oral) | $39
  • Colombian Wood Therapy | $39
  • Additional Time (15 minutes) | $39
  • Scalp | $30


  • Masks
  • 111Skin Face Mask | $39
  • 111Skin Face & Neck Mask| $69
  • 111Skin Neck Mask| $39
  • 111Skin Eye Mask | $15.25

Medical Aesthetic Treatments

You have everything you need to be beautiful - just beneath the skin.
Your natural contours and vibrancy are already in you, waiting to shine through.

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Your most beautiful, sculpted,
confident self awaits. Discover our
services and book your
appointment today!

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